Do you remember power bracelets? I sure do! I have these cute ones from forever ago, that somehow didn't break like the brown one did. They bring back good memories. I got the silver chunky one from, I think Delia's, but I wouldn't bet my money on it. Today's a day to appreciate the past, but throw in a hint of the new.
What do you think of this candle? It's these flower designs and I find it to be just so pretty that I can't burn it. It's only for decoration around here! I guess I'd use it if I had to, but for now I just love to look at the amazing crafting of it. Was it done by machine? Probably. I don't understand all the machine hate, especially from anyone reading this because it's online, lol. Machines make product so much more efficiently. Without them, we wouldn't have time for entertainment or art because we'd all be stuck outside picking crops just so we could survive.
Yes, that thought is so attractive that I want to lick it! I am sure, if you read my past blog updates, that you'll recognize the shirt and pants. I wanted to show a really cute mix 'n' match. I love that about multi-piece outfits, you can change your style up and give a totally different statement. The gold chain belt--don't you love it? I bought it from Banana Republic for under five dollars because it was on clearance. Perfect to add the goth-like edge I adore. I want to chain something up, now. =P
I dont know what people have against glasses. I really love the way they look. Contacts creep me out, because I don't like shoving things in my eye. If I ever get famous I'll still wear glasses. How many famous people do that? I don't know of any. I like how my boobs don't hang out in this shirt, that's always a plus. I see a lot of girls with their butts hanging out of their shorts and it makes me laugh, because it's just so silly. Why would anyone do that? Guys don't like it. Maybe they secretly want to be nudists, which if that were true I'd say "awesome!"
I decided to have a really fun outfit today. There's a problem, because where I live it's so freezing and I have to wear pants most of the time. BOO! HISS! So I like the leggings under shorts look, because it lets me wear the shorts that I love. I got the leggings at Wet Seal for pretty cheap, and they've lasted a long time. It took me a long time to like leggings, because they always reminded me of ape legs, but now I like them. I got the shorts at Ross! Ten-ish dollars and they fit really well. The band is elastic and the material is comfortable, which usually isn't the case with shorts. Brand: Tyte. Silly, because they aren't. Though perhaps they mean the way someone yells "TIIIIIIIIGHT" like it's cool, but yelling that isn't cool.
The purple tank was from Old Navy, like the pink one I wore the other day. I got this belt that I tied in a bow from a dollar store, and it's really cute. It's braided for the majority of the item, which I find super pretty, and the ends are flowy and ribbon-like. My necklaces I'm sure will show up in another pic, so you'll see more detail later! :)
I made a Fashion Haul video last night, lots of fun! I will be making lotssss more!
I hope you all are doing amazing and are happy.
Lots of love and peace-mongering,
Grown-Up Goth
PS: Notice the Hershey's Kisses on the bed? =P
Love all the pictures and the silver bracelet! And I especially applaud you for wearing shorts with tights. I'm so afraid to wear them because I think I'd look awful with them on.