Thursday, July 29, 2010

Modern Retro Day

Hello loves, I was MIA this morning/afternoon because I finally finished a project I'd been working on the past few weeks. I wrote a psychology novel, and I'm super excited because I finished today. All it needs is a readthrough where I add/correct things, then I will copyright it and sell it! I'm so proud of myself! I already have ideas for my next books, so it'd be really awesome if I were a published author.
This is the outfit I wore today. Let's start with the accessories! The long silver chain necklace with the ring on the end is a piece of jewelry that really means a lot to me. An old friend of mine gave this to me, and etched these symbols on the ring--it took him a long time since it's metal! They aren't symbols anyone but the two of us and maybe a few other people if he told anyone would be able to decipher, but it basically means "balance." I went through a really rough childhood that didn't get better until I was 18 and moving away, so I used this through high school (when he gave it to me) to remind me that someone cared. I really miss my friendship with him and whenever I think about him, there seems to be a hole where he used to be and it hasn't gone away because I care an awful lot for him. He was a major influence on my life, and helped me be the great person I am today. I truly looked up to him.
The shorter chain necklace with the rock was a gift from Nate; he made it for me! He's seriously my fave designer. Wayyyy better than any other, so put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chanel! Lol, I have nothing against Chanel, but Nate is definitely superior. If he opened a store of clothes and jewelry he made, he'd rise to fame in an instant--my prediction.

Do you remember the black button-up dress I'm wearing? It can be used as a dress or a long cardigan, and they were in style a couple years ago. I'm bringing it back! I bought this in Southern CA at a little store I can't remember the name of. So cute. Brand is Chesley.
I'm wearing it over a basic gray tank top, which is by Hanes. It's really roomy and soft, and like I said tanks are great for layering like this. Definitely get some cheap tanks at least, because they can be dressed up very cutely.
My jeans are probably the best ones I have. They're from Choice at the mall here. Made by Just U.S.A. I can't wait to go on my shopping excursion. We are tentatively setting the date for August 21st-ish at the big mall in Sacramento, so I hope I'll have a ton of cute new stuff to show you guys.
Tomorrow I'll probably tie up the loose ends with my story, and the day after that I have an interview for my political campaign (I'm running for an office in CA that I'm not going to win,) but by Sunday I should be able to write or vlog something great. I hope I'll at least have another short update like tonight.
Thought of the day:
Just stop killing people and stop using violence. Just stop. You don't have to do it, peaceful solutions work much better and don't MURDER innocent people.
Grown-up Goth

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