Monday, July 26, 2010

Work It, Girl!

Howdy! It's another glorious day, and I have more adorable fashion to show off. This is the other bracelet I bought from New York and Company. It's a gold cuff, with a beaded design. TWO BUCKS! Seriously, that's amazing. I wear this with a lot because I like it so much. Normally, cuffs don't feel good, but since it's beaded it doesnt hurt or pinch at all. Feels good and still is chic? wow! I want to rub my face on it.
This is the full outfit of the day. Something I'd wear to work in an office or at an interview. I bought the pants and the little white jacket from a place in the mall called "Choice." It's the only store in California I've found that actually carries my style. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just the area I'm in, but most people around here have really awful style. The dirty hippie look is not hot, though maybe it's someone else's kink. Just not mine. My fiance can't find anything he likes in CA either, we have to do most of our shopping in Florida. Sorry Cali! But I'm leaving you soon so I won't have to deal with you anymore! I have no California love. XD People here just aren't that nice. I belong with old ladies in a fabric store in Florida. Once you go FL..(ack?) you never go back.
I can't remember where I bought the tank, I want to say Old Navy. Brand time, baby! Jacket: The Clothing Company. Huh, you'd think any name besides that would be more original. Well, they make this crochet-like, ruffly-around-the-neckline, stretchy-band-in-the-middle, button-up top, so I like them! :P Looks like I was right! The pink shirt is "Old Navy Intimates." I don't think tanks are that intimate. At least it's pink! Pants: I absolutely love these pants. They are incredibly comfortable and I've worn them to businessy events many times. They're from Zenana Outfitters, but remember I bought them at Choice. They still aren't the perfecct pair, I haven't found those, but they're awfully close. Not awful, just very.

So the bracelets have this marble look to them, and I'd so have more but I got these from Nate, so I wouldn't know where to start finding any. They're kinda fancy and I like it. This belt I loooooove. It's got itself wrapped in a bow design. I think it was like, four bucks at Old Navy. I got it because when I took these pants to Florida one time, I didn't remember to pack a belt. So I had to go pick one up or they'd be falling down around my ankles which I don't think my aunt would have appreciated. I'm glad I found this. It was on clearance, if I remember correctly, which is where I like to get most of my stuff. I think it makes it more likely to be one of a kind, something you won't see much of again because not many people are wearing it. I'm not anti-front-of-the-store, I just start with clearance because it's my fave!
Have a beautiful day. To quote a Hannah Montana song, "life's what you make it so let's make it rock." A goth chick quoting Hannah? Yeah, I adore Miley Cyrus. Super hot style and sweet girl. Her new cd is nothing like her old stuff, she's only getting better. I hope she never gets into drugs, that would be sad.
Kiss me on the cheek and bid me adieu! But just for the day.
Peace and Love for Humanity,
Grown-Up Goth

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