Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dresden Dolls Inspired

Wow! It's been a while since I updated. This is a black dress I got in Florida this summer--found at a goodwill! I get the cutest stuff there. -grins- It's a gorgeous halter with ruching down the middle and ruffles at the bottom. If you aren't a stick figure, it's great because it flatters your curves.

Last night I had the idea to wear an outfit like the girl from Dresden Dolls. Really talented band, and I was in a goth mood. I put my hair up (she has short hair) and kept it messy to give it the same edge. I love my black and white striped tights, too. Those were from Hot Topic ages ago.

Whenever I dress very goth, I feel sexy. I don't know what it is about the way it looks, but if you can get the right amount of frill with the dark elements, I just love it. I didn't even have to put on any jewelry to pull this together, while usually I feel compelled. It was very fun to wear this all day, so I hope this inspires you as well. Much love!
--Grown-up Goth

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dress up a Basic Outfit. STOP MURDER NOW!

Today I want to mention the retarded wars the US is engaged in. STOP THE KILLING! JUST STOP IT! JUST F#$%ING STOP! IT'S THAT SIMPLE!
Anyways, today I dressed up a basic basic outfit. Lots of fun!

Lots of love. I hope you like it!
Grown-up Goth

Monday, August 2, 2010

Date Outfit :)

Hey guys! I made this video of my date outfit for the day. I also ranted about why Intellectual Property is good. Can you believe there are people against it? SO WEIRD! So here is the video I made on that

I hope you are all doing well!

Live in Peace and Love and Harmony ^_^

--Grown-up Goth

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Corset-style with Jeans

Hey guys, today I made a video of my outfit. Very pretty style, if I don't say so myself. If the embed didn't work, here's a link to my video.

I hope you're all well. My interview yesterday went amazingly!

Comment, Rate, Subscribe.

Everlasting love, Grown-up Goth

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Outfit for Campaigning AND Makeup

Hey sweeties, I wanted to show you how I dressed up for my political campaign interview. When the video goes up, I'll post it, but here are the pics. I bought this halter from Dillards, and it's an absolutely lovely shade of purple with sheer black lace over it. The designs are kind of flowery or leaf-like, and the tie around the left of my neck is silky and soft. It's just gorgeous. My hubby looked on the tag just now, and it says "Soulmates." Aw, so cute! I adore that name ^-^
The skirt is something I made myself. It's this tie-dye inspired fabric that I picked up from Joanns, and it's orange fading into pink. Two of my fave colors! I wanted to wear something bright, since most politicians just look like stuffy old people. My outfit screams fun and style! Not "I'm going to lie to you and you'll believe me because I look just like everybody else."
My leggings are nice because it'll probably be chilly.

The Glove: I bought this at Hot Topic, and it's this really cute pink, fingerless and knuckle-less glove with a heart cut-out. There's a little button to get it secured on. I wear this for all my campaign adventures, because it's my signature. I'm all about love and freedom and I think pink is just the greatest. I painted my nails a pale pink, too. Too cute!!
I'm not sure where the belt came from, but I put it on just to give the outfit that gothy edge I always want to have.
Guess what? I acutally used makeup today. It's been a while, but I of course went really light and bright. I started with a foundation to even out my skin, then put blush on the apples of my cheeks. After that I just used the eyeshadow in the upper left corner of this box from ULTA, and I was done!

There's a kitty in the background, that's Sairah. Here is how I put on my makeup, and I think it came out beautiful. I also decided to put my hair up. I stuck a clip underneath the back of my hair, clipping it to the underside of it, then let it fall over and hide it. My bangs were cut in Florida, done by myself as usual. I've only had a few professional haircuts in my life, because I just love my hair and I love cutting it myself. Saves a ton of money.
I hope you're all doing wonderfully, and I'll talk to you soon ^_^
Love Love Love, for there is inherent value in life,
Grown-up Goth

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Modern Retro Day

Hello loves, I was MIA this morning/afternoon because I finally finished a project I'd been working on the past few weeks. I wrote a psychology novel, and I'm super excited because I finished today. All it needs is a readthrough where I add/correct things, then I will copyright it and sell it! I'm so proud of myself! I already have ideas for my next books, so it'd be really awesome if I were a published author.
This is the outfit I wore today. Let's start with the accessories! The long silver chain necklace with the ring on the end is a piece of jewelry that really means a lot to me. An old friend of mine gave this to me, and etched these symbols on the ring--it took him a long time since it's metal! They aren't symbols anyone but the two of us and maybe a few other people if he told anyone would be able to decipher, but it basically means "balance." I went through a really rough childhood that didn't get better until I was 18 and moving away, so I used this through high school (when he gave it to me) to remind me that someone cared. I really miss my friendship with him and whenever I think about him, there seems to be a hole where he used to be and it hasn't gone away because I care an awful lot for him. He was a major influence on my life, and helped me be the great person I am today. I truly looked up to him.
The shorter chain necklace with the rock was a gift from Nate; he made it for me! He's seriously my fave designer. Wayyyy better than any other, so put that in your pipe and smoke it, Chanel! Lol, I have nothing against Chanel, but Nate is definitely superior. If he opened a store of clothes and jewelry he made, he'd rise to fame in an instant--my prediction.

Do you remember the black button-up dress I'm wearing? It can be used as a dress or a long cardigan, and they were in style a couple years ago. I'm bringing it back! I bought this in Southern CA at a little store I can't remember the name of. So cute. Brand is Chesley.
I'm wearing it over a basic gray tank top, which is by Hanes. It's really roomy and soft, and like I said tanks are great for layering like this. Definitely get some cheap tanks at least, because they can be dressed up very cutely.
My jeans are probably the best ones I have. They're from Choice at the mall here. Made by Just U.S.A. I can't wait to go on my shopping excursion. We are tentatively setting the date for August 21st-ish at the big mall in Sacramento, so I hope I'll have a ton of cute new stuff to show you guys.
Tomorrow I'll probably tie up the loose ends with my story, and the day after that I have an interview for my political campaign (I'm running for an office in CA that I'm not going to win,) but by Sunday I should be able to write or vlog something great. I hope I'll at least have another short update like tonight.
Thought of the day:
Just stop killing people and stop using violence. Just stop. You don't have to do it, peaceful solutions work much better and don't MURDER innocent people.
Grown-up Goth

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What A Girl Needs... ;)

Hello cuties! I hope you're all well :) Today I want to talk about what every woman needs in her closet. This is a fairly long list, and since I don't even have the perfect closet (yet), I used polyvore to drool over fashion I want. I'm hoping to go on a mall trip with some good friends of mine, I'm just waiting for their schedules to clear. I've never found a good enough or comprehensive enough list about what a woman needs in her closet, so I'll make it!

First of all, certainly everybody knows they need a Little Black Dress. I recently found one that's absolutely perfect at a goodwill in Florida, and I can't tell you how much it's boosted my confidence. It's my new fave dress and I really want to go somewhere nice (AND WARM. -shakes fist at weather-) so I can wear it. I also think highly of the cliche Notice-Me! red dress. I have a fancier one, but I'd like a more casual one as well, like in this picture. That girl makes me want to go to the beach! Mee-OW! ;)

Of course, the standard collared white shirt to go to interviews with. Sound boring? Find a playful, pretty one with ruffles like the one below. Show your clean style, make sure your clothes are structured in all the right places (the hourglass shape), and look sharp to your new boss-to-be. I took a class in high school called Externship where we were taught how to handle professional interviews. We dressed up one day and handed him our resumes with cover letters and thank you notes, and I wore exactly what he told us to. Black A-line skirt, white collared shirt, gray jacket with good structure, hose, and white heels. Never wear a heel that's too high, or you'll look bad. That I don't understand, it's just how it's done. So if you ever need advice on that, I'm your gal. I loved that class and it was DEFINITELY the only useful class I ever had. It's lame they don't teach things you'll actually use, like home ec and the like, though don't get me started because I'm a big proponent of Unschooling. I sincerely believe it's way healthier for kids and that they turn out much better, with a superior attitude about life.

Wow, I'm writing a lot today! Next up, I think every woman needs a white t-shirt, just a plain basic one, because you can really dress that up in so many ways. Crisp is a really odd word. Don't say it to me. Since fun is important, you should also have a fun dress that makes you want to run around and skip all over the place. See sexy cute gothy lolita-y dress below. I also love color, so don't be afraid to be bold! A pair of heels is also important for fancy shmancy events. Honestly, I rarely wear heels because my feet suck donkey hair and most shoes hurt my feet. I shall write a piece on shoes, because there's just too much detail to talk about right now! So yes, heels.

Also, get a shirt you feel great in. Something you can wear to the office as well as out partying. Or, if you're me, you don't party because alcohol and drugs disgust you, so you play board games with awesome people for a true party. I wish party still meant slumber party with games and cake and good clean fun like pillow fights and Mario games. I love Mario, Nintendo's the coolest. I wonder what they're coming out with after the Wii?

I also think every chick would look hot in a corset. Something that just zips but looks like it laces up is much easier, and then you dont have to choke yourself. We all win. I'd like this girly pink one.

What a Girl Needs 2Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Every girl definitely needs a pair of dark-wash jeans. They're classy, so you can wear them to nice places, and you can really dress them up. I think every fashion expert agrees on that one. I have yet to find a great pair, so I'll definitely be searching! An A-line skirt is also a good piece to have. It's flattering on every figure. I'd recommend a black one, so you have an instant interview staple. Black pants are also great for interviews, and both them and A-lines are good at fancier events. I can't tell you how many times my gray business ones have come in handy (the ones I wore in previous posts), and black would be a great complement to that.

Let's not forget about spanx. Few people have the perfect body, so especially if you're older, Spanx is the way to go. It's really popular now, so no need to be shy. Instantly slim your look, and don't freak out if your lover sees it because likely they won't care. Guys know about this stuff, too. It took me a long time to find a decent pair of khakis on polyvore, which explains why I haven't found a pair in real life! These are useful around stuffy old ladies or if you work at a place that requires them. They might as well be cute, right? Such a weird color, though, I can't get over it.

I picked some pink shorts below, but I think that girl's wearing a size too small... Anyway, I love pink so it's okay! A pair of shorts you feel sexy and summery in are a must-have. I'm still searching for that. A nice necklace is important, too, especially if it's versatile and can be used with dresses and casual wear, like the one below. A big statement is sexy to make. Same goes for the bracelet. I think flowers are beautiful, so you'll see me loving on them a lot. Hearts, flowers, and pink with goth? -drool-!!!

Definitely get some black leggings for under skirts and dresses. It can change your whole look just like that, and wearing clothes in more than one way keeps your style fresh and innovative. Because I'm a goth chick, I have to say you need some HOTT goth boots. Do it! Do it! They're so hot and I have this amazing pair I can't wait to show you! I like tucking jeans into them to flaunt the details. If you get a pair that's zip-up but looks like it's lace-up or buckle-up, even better. People don't notice the zipper and ask me all the time how long it takes me to put them on. I show them and they shut up for a minute, lol. Cuties.

What a Girl Needs 1Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Every chick shouuld have a trench coat or a pea coat to bundle up in when it's cold, that can go over any outfit and look nice. This originally was one of the hardest wardrobe pieces for me to find, but I did find a great one, which I will be blogging about. The one below is jade, but a more neutral color, mine is tan, works with more things, from dresses to jeans. How perfect is that?
Also invest in a structured jacket or blazer that will go with anything, especially if you live where it's cold and can't show off your cute shirts much :( You want to at least look cute even if you have to bundle up. Last but not least, get a skinny belt and a wide belt (or mix many skinny ones together) so you can belt your clothing. These change up your style or bring out the hourglass figure you want, so they're really great.

Every Girl Needs 3Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Give me a smile, because you're adorable. Have a lovely rest of the day and a beautiful night.
Until we meet again,
Grown-up Goth

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wrapped Candy and Mix 'N' Match

There's a kitten in the background with a cloth clown costume on, though he'd taken the hat off already. It's better than a cone that he can't eat when it's on, and he needs to have something. That's my baby, Jethro.
Do you remember power bracelets? I sure do! I have these cute ones from forever ago, that somehow didn't break like the brown one did. They bring back good memories. I got the silver chunky one from, I think Delia's, but I wouldn't bet my money on it. Today's a day to appreciate the past, but throw in a hint of the new.
What do you think of this candle? It's these flower designs and I find it to be just so pretty that I can't burn it. It's only for decoration around here! I guess I'd use it if I had to, but for now I just love to look at the amazing crafting of it. Was it done by machine? Probably. I don't understand all the machine hate, especially from anyone reading this because it's online, lol. Machines make product so much more efficiently. Without them, we wouldn't have time for entertainment or art because we'd all be stuck outside picking crops just so we could survive.

Yes, that thought is so attractive that I want to lick it! I am sure, if you read my past blog updates, that you'll recognize the shirt and pants. I wanted to show a really cute mix 'n' match. I love that about multi-piece outfits, you can change your style up and give a totally different statement. The gold chain belt--don't you love it? I bought it from Banana Republic for under five dollars because it was on clearance. Perfect to add the goth-like edge I adore. I want to chain something up, now. =P

I dont know what people have against glasses. I really love the way they look. Contacts creep me out, because I don't like shoving things in my eye. If I ever get famous I'll still wear glasses. How many famous people do that? I don't know of any. I like how my boobs don't hang out in this shirt, that's always a plus. I see a lot of girls with their butts hanging out of their shorts and it makes me laugh, because it's just so silly. Why would anyone do that? Guys don't like it. Maybe they secretly want to be nudists, which if that were true I'd say "awesome!"

I decided to have a really fun outfit today. There's a problem, because where I live it's so freezing and I have to wear pants most of the time. BOO! HISS! So I like the leggings under shorts look, because it lets me wear the shorts that I love. I got the leggings at Wet Seal for pretty cheap, and they've lasted a long time. It took me a long time to like leggings, because they always reminded me of ape legs, but now I like them. I got the shorts at Ross! Ten-ish dollars and they fit really well. The band is elastic and the material is comfortable, which usually isn't the case with shorts. Brand: Tyte. Silly, because they aren't. Though perhaps they mean the way someone yells "TIIIIIIIIGHT" like it's cool, but yelling that isn't cool.
The purple tank was from Old Navy, like the pink one I wore the other day. I got this belt that I tied in a bow from a dollar store, and it's really cute. It's braided for the majority of the item, which I find super pretty, and the ends are flowy and ribbon-like. My necklaces I'm sure will show up in another pic, so you'll see more detail later! :)
I made a Fashion Haul video last night, lots of fun! I will be making lotssss more!
I hope you all are doing amazing and are happy.
Lots of love and peace-mongering,
Grown-Up Goth
PS: Notice the Hershey's Kisses on the bed? =P

Monday, July 26, 2010

Work It, Girl!

Howdy! It's another glorious day, and I have more adorable fashion to show off. This is the other bracelet I bought from New York and Company. It's a gold cuff, with a beaded design. TWO BUCKS! Seriously, that's amazing. I wear this with a lot because I like it so much. Normally, cuffs don't feel good, but since it's beaded it doesnt hurt or pinch at all. Feels good and still is chic? wow! I want to rub my face on it.
This is the full outfit of the day. Something I'd wear to work in an office or at an interview. I bought the pants and the little white jacket from a place in the mall called "Choice." It's the only store in California I've found that actually carries my style. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just the area I'm in, but most people around here have really awful style. The dirty hippie look is not hot, though maybe it's someone else's kink. Just not mine. My fiance can't find anything he likes in CA either, we have to do most of our shopping in Florida. Sorry Cali! But I'm leaving you soon so I won't have to deal with you anymore! I have no California love. XD People here just aren't that nice. I belong with old ladies in a fabric store in Florida. Once you go FL..(ack?) you never go back.
I can't remember where I bought the tank, I want to say Old Navy. Brand time, baby! Jacket: The Clothing Company. Huh, you'd think any name besides that would be more original. Well, they make this crochet-like, ruffly-around-the-neckline, stretchy-band-in-the-middle, button-up top, so I like them! :P Looks like I was right! The pink shirt is "Old Navy Intimates." I don't think tanks are that intimate. At least it's pink! Pants: I absolutely love these pants. They are incredibly comfortable and I've worn them to businessy events many times. They're from Zenana Outfitters, but remember I bought them at Choice. They still aren't the perfecct pair, I haven't found those, but they're awfully close. Not awful, just very.

So the bracelets have this marble look to them, and I'd so have more but I got these from Nate, so I wouldn't know where to start finding any. They're kinda fancy and I like it. This belt I loooooove. It's got itself wrapped in a bow design. I think it was like, four bucks at Old Navy. I got it because when I took these pants to Florida one time, I didn't remember to pack a belt. So I had to go pick one up or they'd be falling down around my ankles which I don't think my aunt would have appreciated. I'm glad I found this. It was on clearance, if I remember correctly, which is where I like to get most of my stuff. I think it makes it more likely to be one of a kind, something you won't see much of again because not many people are wearing it. I'm not anti-front-of-the-store, I just start with clearance because it's my fave!
Have a beautiful day. To quote a Hannah Montana song, "life's what you make it so let's make it rock." A goth chick quoting Hannah? Yeah, I adore Miley Cyrus. Super hot style and sweet girl. Her new cd is nothing like her old stuff, she's only getting better. I hope she never gets into drugs, that would be sad.
Kiss me on the cheek and bid me adieu! But just for the day.
Peace and Love for Humanity,
Grown-Up Goth

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gun-slingin' Gothic Glam

So this is my super hot goth bracelet. I think chains are just about the best item you can put on any article of clothing. Chains look good on everything and once I can, I want to put chain decoration along the walls of a room of my house. I also think wires are pretty hot, too, and I'd probably put those in a giant bundle along the bases of the room. It will be my goth room, right next to my bright pink frilly girly room. I wear this bracelet a lot, so it was such a good investment. Got it from Hot Topic. When my outfit is on the girlier side, I can make it edgy with just this piece to say "hey, I may be pretty but if you mess with me I'll mess you up back." That's why I'm such a big promoter of open-carry in a crowd. Criminals go for the person who looks the weakest, and it's likely they won't even hurt you because they'll be too afraid of getting shot. It's just common sense to go for the path of least resistance. However, if you're alone in an alleyway, I think it's more logical to conceal carry. That way you'll have an advantage the fudger won't know about and then you get your wallet, watch, change purse, GUN! BAM! I'm a pacifist, but I would never just let a criminal get away with it if possible. Self-defense is great, too bad you have to worry about legal hassles if the criminal tries to sue. Hopefully that will go away one day.
Here, we also have my delectable purple necklace. Nate made this! I seem to have a lot of Nate clothes, lol. He's just an amazing designer. He used an old shirt of mine that I didn't want and turned it into this smokin' piece. It simply velcros in the back, and I think this is probably my fave necklace ever. Probably.

The outfit! I'm wearing a close-to-dress-length blue shirt that I bought from Aeropostale. But if you wore it as a dress, your butt would be hanging out for all to see and unfortunately, that's against the law in most places. I have it in another color, pink, but I chose the blue one because I like it better with the rest of these clothes I'm wearing. I really like how the tops look layered, it mixes up the outfit a bit and aesthetically pleases me. The knit top I bought at a Florida Goodwill (I find the best things there!) Brand: Old Navy. That's what the tag says! What a cute store. I've found some adorable things there, too. The pants were bought at Target, the brand on the button says Mossimo Supply Co. They're the only dark-wash jeans I own, and they're alright. I probably should have gotten a size up, but it wasn't in stock that day. They do look really really sextastic on my legs, though. They hug my knee and flare out just slightly. Perfect.
I normally have the worst trouble finding pants, because the legs will be amazing all the time, but either the waist is too tight or the butt area is just too big. Hello! Make clothes for all women, not just models! I have a nice butt, I have the hottest butt, in fact. I love my butt. And I love that I'm no stick figure either. I love my body the way every girl should, so why ain't there no lovin' from these clothin' comp-nies?
By the way, I never shop online for clothes because I never know how it's going to fit on me. I am always weirded by how easy it is for some people to do so, but I have a hard enough time at the stores. I'm extra extra picky, so I have to love something to buy it. Except pants.
La-la listen to the La-la song if you don't mind sexy..uhm, "foul" language.
Much adoration of nature and science,
Grown-Up Goth

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moroccan, Plaid, and a Symbol

Hello again, everyone :) This is a hotter outfit, good for more casual or more sexy atmospheres. The shirt originally came from Express, and Nate put a rainbow symbol/stamp on it to make it more fun. I dunno what the symbol means, I used to, but it's something happy/good. The tank actually has one of those "built-in bras," but since I have a nice huge rack, I wear a real one underneath.
The skirt I recently bought at a Goodwill, but it's by American Eagle Outfitters. Funny, since I don't normally shop there. Sure, they have some nice things, but I normally won't buy any item of clothing over twenty bucks. That maximum has gone up a bit over the years, as it used to be ten, and it has gone up recently which I'm sure I'll talk about when I wear a shirt that cost a little over -gasp- twenty-one dollars! I'm a cheap fashionista, and I love it.

The tights were bought at Hot Topic a long time ago. I really like fishnets, I think they're super sexy, but since it's normally cold and freezing I can't wear them. They really helped me add a burst of color to an otherwise dark outfit.
Lastly, we have my lovely necklace. This I bought in Morocco at age 14. I absolutely adore it. The details are exquisite and the fact that it's lasted this long proves it was well made. I also have this jasmine roll-on perfume from there that still smells blissful. Great scent, great place to visit. I wouldn't want to live there, but I do like Moroccan food--especially Mint Tea. I hate tea, but I like Mint Tea. It's the only kind I'll drink.
We are all beautiful, so cherish yourself and those around you. Life is too short to hate, so do what you do out of passion and love.
Grown-Up Goth

Friday, July 23, 2010

No Mkup, Black and White Event

Bracelets from New York and Co. They were on sale for 2 bucks! I bought them when I went to Florida, along with some other things. The ring is from Delia's, I got it for my birthday when I lived in FL and went shopping with my step-mom instead of goin' to school ;)
The white halter top I bought at Wet Seal a while back, also in FL. I cut the tag off though, so I don't know the brand. It makes me feel sexy! I absolutely can't get over the bottom, with the circle and ruching. Perfect for anyone who's not a friggen stick! The black skirt was a gift from the aforementioned Nate, and since he always cuts tags off, I have no idea who this was made by either. I love how it's a slip with ruffly netting over it, though. Definitely well-made and a-dor-a-BLE!
This is an outfit one could go to something casual or fancy with. I suppose you can tell I don't use makeup, and that's the way I like it. I'll use it on occasion, but I love my natural beauty and I think all women should cherish how they look. Makeup, to me, is simply what gets in the way when you're trying to have a sexy make-out with your lover.
Lots of love, and a call for world peace,
Grown-up Goth

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nate Dress

This amazing dress? Made by one of my bffs, Nate. He's the best designer I know!

Hot Style

I've started this blog because I know there are people out there just like me who find the goth style sexy. However sexy it is, a lot of the time it ends up looking costumey if overdone, and sometimes you'll just not be goth-y enough. Goth Attempt = Fail.

Since I got out of high school, I tried denying myself anything dark. I had worn only Tripp pants, black dresses, and the only color I really showed was crimson and violet. Then came my obsession with pink. Wonderful, right? Well, pink and black can end up looking sadly emo, so I had to become even more careful.

Oh corsets, how you are so hard to find and how I adore you. Please magically appear! The corset look, when not actual corsets, are a lot of fun. I had a beautiful purple and black one from Hot Topic back then, but the zipper epically died from...well I have no idea what from. It just started getting stuck all the time.

I've been fighting to get that look where you can go out, look hot, and not be scoffed at by old ladies or receive mean-hearted remarks. After a few years of practice, I'm a bombshell that former goths can appreciate as well as fashion-forward Gucci lovers. I own nothing Gucci because I'm living on a real person's budget and spend enough money for one of their bags on kitty vet bills. I'll take the kitty, thank you very much. If I get rich, I'm sure I'll eventually indulge.


Grown-up Goth