Hey guys! I made this video of my date outfit for the day. I also ranted about why Intellectual Property is good. Can you believe there are people against it? SO WEIRD! So here is the video I made on that
I hope you are all doing well!
Live in Peace and Love and Harmony ^_^
--Grown-up Goth
Hey guys, today I made a video of my outfit. Very pretty style, if I don't say so myself. If the embed didn't work, here's a link to my video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-o9vXZ2xY0
I hope you're all well. My interview yesterday went amazingly!
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Everlasting love, Grown-up Goth
Hello cuties! I hope you're all well :) Today I want to talk about what every woman needs in her closet. This is a fairly long list, and since I don't even have the perfect closet (yet), I used polyvore to drool over fashion I want. I'm hoping to go on a mall trip with some good friends of mine, I'm just waiting for their schedules to clear. I've never found a good enough or comprehensive enough list about what a woman needs in her closet, so I'll make it!
First of all, certainly everybody knows they need a Little Black Dress. I recently found one that's absolutely perfect at a goodwill in Florida, and I can't tell you how much it's boosted my confidence. It's my new fave dress and I really want to go somewhere nice (AND WARM. -shakes fist at weather-) so I can wear it. I also think highly of the cliche Notice-Me! red dress. I have a fancier one, but I'd like a more casual one as well, like in this picture. That girl makes me want to go to the beach! Mee-OW! ;)
Of course, the standard collared white shirt to go to interviews with. Sound boring? Find a playful, pretty one with ruffles like the one below. Show your clean style, make sure your clothes are structured in all the right places (the hourglass shape), and look sharp to your new boss-to-be. I took a class in high school called Externship where we were taught how to handle professional interviews. We dressed up one day and handed him our resumes with cover letters and thank you notes, and I wore exactly what he told us to. Black A-line skirt, white collared shirt, gray jacket with good structure, hose, and white heels. Never wear a heel that's too high, or you'll look bad. That I don't understand, it's just how it's done. So if you ever need advice on that, I'm your gal. I loved that class and it was DEFINITELY the only useful class I ever had. It's lame they don't teach things you'll actually use, like home ec and the like, though don't get me started because I'm a big proponent of Unschooling. I sincerely believe it's way healthier for kids and that they turn out much better, with a superior attitude about life.
Wow, I'm writing a lot today! Next up, I think every woman needs a white t-shirt, just a plain basic one, because you can really dress that up in so many ways. Crisp is a really odd word. Don't say it to me. Since fun is important, you should also have a fun dress that makes you want to run around and skip all over the place. See sexy cute gothy lolita-y dress below. I also love color, so don't be afraid to be bold! A pair of heels is also important for fancy shmancy events. Honestly, I rarely wear heels because my feet suck donkey hair and most shoes hurt my feet. I shall write a piece on shoes, because there's just too much detail to talk about right now! So yes, heels.
Also, get a shirt you feel great in. Something you can wear to the office as well as out partying. Or, if you're me, you don't party because alcohol and drugs disgust you, so you play board games with awesome people for a true party. I wish party still meant slumber party with games and cake and good clean fun like pillow fights and Mario games. I love Mario, Nintendo's the coolest. I wonder what they're coming out with after the Wii?
I also think every chick would look hot in a corset. Something that just zips but looks like it laces up is much easier, and then you dont have to choke yourself. We all win. I'd like this girly pink one.
Every girl definitely needs a pair of dark-wash jeans. They're classy, so you can wear them to nice places, and you can really dress them up. I think every fashion expert agrees on that one. I have yet to find a great pair, so I'll definitely be searching! An A-line skirt is also a good piece to have. It's flattering on every figure. I'd recommend a black one, so you have an instant interview staple. Black pants are also great for interviews, and both them and A-lines are good at fancier events. I can't tell you how many times my gray business ones have come in handy (the ones I wore in previous posts), and black would be a great complement to that.
Let's not forget about spanx. Few people have the perfect body, so especially if you're older, Spanx is the way to go. It's really popular now, so no need to be shy. Instantly slim your look, and don't freak out if your lover sees it because likely they won't care. Guys know about this stuff, too. It took me a long time to find a decent pair of khakis on polyvore, which explains why I haven't found a pair in real life! These are useful around stuffy old ladies or if you work at a place that requires them. They might as well be cute, right? Such a weird color, though, I can't get over it.
I picked some pink shorts below, but I think that girl's wearing a size too small... Anyway, I love pink so it's okay! A pair of shorts you feel sexy and summery in are a must-have. I'm still searching for that. A nice necklace is important, too, especially if it's versatile and can be used with dresses and casual wear, like the one below. A big statement is sexy to make. Same goes for the bracelet. I think flowers are beautiful, so you'll see me loving on them a lot. Hearts, flowers, and pink with goth? -drool-!!!
Definitely get some black leggings for under skirts and dresses. It can change your whole look just like that, and wearing clothes in more than one way keeps your style fresh and innovative. Because I'm a goth chick, I have to say you need some HOTT goth boots. Do it! Do it! They're so hot and I have this amazing pair I can't wait to show you! I like tucking jeans into them to flaunt the details. If you get a pair that's zip-up but looks like it's lace-up or buckle-up, even better. People don't notice the zipper and ask me all the time how long it takes me to put them on. I show them and they shut up for a minute, lol. Cuties.